
It is the cold night of Christmas Eve
I am thinking of a story to weave
Aah, yes! Here I go
I will tell you all I know
A colder night ‘twas than this
The snowflakes gave me a frosty kiss
As I neared the clearing I saw a sight
A wonderful one in that dark cold night
A Christmas tree right in the middle
Music streamed in, one of a fiddle
As I neared the tree I saw a house
Not ordinary but a gingerbread house
My, my! An aroma of gingerbread filled my nose
Then I saw an icing rose
I contemplated entering the house
Which was what I did after a quick browse
A gingerbread man opened the door quietly
And his wife welcomed me politely
They invited me to stay for dinner
When the feast was laid out, the lights got dimmer
There was soup and turkey
Apple sauce and beef jerky
For dessert, chocolate chip cheesecake
Plus some cookies we would make
After an excessive meal I turned back
I felt like I could hit the sack
I did just that when I went home
And that was the story that I have now sewn


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