
This unexpected night of chaos started with a soft wind. The entire town was silent from the blanket of sleep put over the people on the coast. Slowly, the winds rose and took over. Then the harsh rain fell in gigantic droplets pounding the ground with a deafening sound.
And there she was, Charybdis, swallowing and spitting the water of the sea, churning the ocean, creating a whirlpool, so wide, so large, that nobody would be able to pass on this dark and stormy night.
There she stood alone as night engulfed her, her lips curled upwards, and a sound emanated from her mouth. Laughter echoed around the neighboring towns, the last sound they would hear before their final breath.


  1. oh hmmm vedu.. that was dark.. poetically dark!! is this the prelude of a fantasy novel soon to take shape...

    i love it.. i have to introduce you to a poet friend of mine who writes similar poems...

    -pushpa aunty

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you!!
    it was for school we had to personify a storm and make it a monster


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